Tutorials>Data archival with ringcentral

This tutorial will show developers the basics of archiving your RingCentral Data using PHP. Click the 'Start' button below to begin.

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Welcome to the Data Archival with RingCentral Tutorial

Data Archival provides developers the capability to store RingCentral Activity data via the API into their data persistence layer of choice, in this tutorial we will cover using PHP to offload RingCentral Activity data into either Amazon S3, or Dropbox.

Most common use cases for data archival

  • Preventing High-Volume Data Loss
  • Long Term Data Retention
  • Analysis and Reporting
  • Legal Data Storage Requirements (SEC)
  • Business Process Improvements and Training
  • Call Sentiment Analysis and Predictive Analytics

Data Retention Policy

It is critical for developers to know that RingCentral does not store RingCentral Activity data indefinitely. The RingCentral Data Retention Policy stores data differently depending upon:

  • Account Type
    • HIPAA
    • Non-HIPAA
  • Data Type
    • Fax Attachments
    • SMS Messages
    • Call Logs
    • Call Recordings
    • Voice Mail
    • etc...

Developers are highly encouraged to read the official RingCentral Data Retention Policy for the most current specifications and to understand how it impacts your data archival solution requirements.

API Data Resources

We will be using a variety of RingCentral API Resources in this tutorial, and we wanted to list the primary API resources for your RingCentral Activity data:

Product Data Resources

Sometimes developers just need data from the UI for one-off reports, or to reconcile data during initial development. We will not use any of these data resources in this tutorial, but wanted to provide them for your reference to be thorough. Here is a list of non-API resources to access RingCentral Activity data:


Before you can follow along with this tutorial, you must have a web server with PHP installed with the appropriate version, dependencies, and modules/extensions as indicated in the README.md.

App Configuration Specs (minimum)

  • Scope: Private
  • Application Type: Server Only (NO UI)
  • API Permission: ReadCallRecording


Please follow the directions in the Clone the Repository.


  • mv .env.example .env to rename the file .env.example to .env which is the environment variable file we use in this tutorial for local operation.
  • Populate the values in the newly renamed .env file
    • RC_dateFrom: Used to define the start date of data timestamps(in ISO8601 format) to retrieve
    • RC_dateTo: Used to define the end date of data timestamps(in ISO8601 format) to retrieve
    • RC_AppKey: Your RingCentral app's Application Key
    • RC_AppSecret: Your RingCentral app's Application Secret
    • RC_Server: RingCentral Base API URI (https://platform[.devtest].ringcentral.com)
    • RC_Username: Your RingCentral Administrator username (environment sensitive)
    • RC_Password: Your RingCentral Administrator password (environment sensitive)
    • RC_fromPhoneNumber:
    • RC_toPhoneNumber:
    • RC_callRecordingsCount:
    • amazonAccessKey:
    • amazonSecretKey:
    • dropBoxkey:
    • dropBoxsecret:
    • RC_SkipCallLog:
    • RC_SkipRingOut:
    • RC_SkipDownload:
    • RC_SkipDownloadS3:
    • RC_SkipDownloadDropbox:

Starting the Demo App

To begin running this script, from the command line run $ php index.php.

Demo App - Basic Usage

Please read the README.md sections on Basic Usage to learn how to:

You can also see the demo code for these operations for further usage examples.

Demo App - Index.php

The index.php file contains code which contains references to each of the demos which actually perform the Basic Usage operations, let's take a look at how it is organized...

Alias RingCentral PHP SDK

After defining this as a PHP file in line 1 with <?php opening tag, we give aliases to namespaces of the RingCentral PHP SDK.

Demo App Dependencies

We are leveraging Composer for dependency management in this demo application. We require these dependenicies using their namespace in a composer.json file.

As you can see the dependencies for operating this demo app are:

In production, you will likely have many more dependencies than are listed here.

Load Dependencies and Set Timezone

A benefit of using Composer is the Autoload feature. To load the dependencies we have defined for this application in the composer.json file.

Next, we set the default timezone for this app to use UTC. We set this to UTC because that is the base timezone for RingCentral Call Log data (if not included as parameterized offsets).

Load Environment Variables

Dotenv has become an invaluable tool for developers to load environment variables during local development. Here we instantiate Dotenv and tell it the .env file is located within the current working directory.

Then we call the load() method of the Dotenv instance to load the variables contained in the .env file we referenced previously.

Lastly, we cache some environment variables for simplified reference later use in this file.

Require Auth

This file, then requires the authData.php file located in the demo directory. Let's take a look and see what is happening here...

Authenticate to RingCentral with the SDK

The beginning of authData.php defines this as a PHP file, defines error handling, references the RingCentral PHP SDK, and loads environment variables similar to what was done in the index.php file.

Beginning on line 14, we define a variable to hold a new instance of the RingCental PHP SDK, and provide it with the required parameters. Then, on line 16 we cache a reference to the RingCentral Platform object.

We will address storing and loading tokens from cache in the next step of the tutorial, but it is important to note that the catch portion (lines 49-59) of the try...catch is where we fetch a new access_token from the RingCentral API if we are unable to load the token from cache.

Token Loading from Cache

Lines 18-34 handle previous authentication values and loading them from cache if available.

The code sets the Platform Object's auth data to valid cached authentication data if possible, and if there is a token in cache, call the Platform Object's refresh() method to refresh the token ensuring we have a valid access_token.

Downloading Call Logs

Lines 30-36 of index.php use environment variables to determine if the code does/does not download call logs. For sake of the tutorial, we will assume $skipCallLog === false and has brought us into the demo/callLog.php file.

Call Log - Long-Polling Setup

First some constants are configured as part of the delay logic used to long-poll all of the day's call logs.


  • pageCount - API pagination index
  • recordCountPerPage - Call log quantity per request
  • timePerCallLogRequest - delay in seconds between requests
  • flag - boolean value to escape the while loop in next step

Next in lines 30-33, a directory is created for local storage of these call logs.

Then the time range is configured in use o the dateFrom and dateTo parameters.

Lastly we create a placeholder array which will be used later for writing the call logs to a file.

Call Log API Requests

After the code enters the while loop, has started the timer, and set dateTo and dateFrom parameters from environment variables, the variable $apiResponse is set to the result of the RingCentral Platform Object's get() method.

The first parameter for this is the path, in this case to call log /account/~/extension/~/call-log.

The second parameter is the array of query parameters we will use to filter. You can read the full list of GET Call Log Query Parameters in the RingCentral API Reference.

When the response is received we set the variable $apiResponseArray equal to the json() method's parsed value of the records. Note: the json() method is returned in each response using the RingCentral PHP SDK and simplifies parsing the data.

Lastly, we iterate the parsed call log records and push each record into the $callLogs array we defined earlier (used for writing the final file to disk).

Handling Paged Data

After we receive each page of call log data in the response from the RingCentral API, we check to see if there are any additional pages of data remaining to be fetched.

If there are additional pages, we delay the next execution of the while loop and bump the $pageCount which is used in the query parameters for the next cycle's API request.

If there are no additional pages of call log records, we write the result to the console, write the JSON file to disk, set the $flag as FALSE, and then unset $callLogs so it is clear the next time this runs.

Recording Downloads

Lines 38-45 of index.php use environment variables to determine if the code does/does not download call recordings. For sake of the tutorial, we will assume $skipCallRecording === false and has brought us into the demo/callRecording.php file.

Preparing to Store Recordings Locally

First some constants are setup for caching the recordingId, and defining directory and filenames we will use to store the data locally, and modifying the permission masks to make the directories and files writable.

Iterating Over Call Logs for Recordings

Once the preparations have been completed, we iterate over the call log data to search for any call-log records which have a recording property.

If a call-log.record.recording exists, we then fetch the contentUri value for the recording, and use the RingCentral Platform Object's get() method to retrieve the binary asset which will be either .wav or .mp3 encoded audio.

Writing Call Recording Data to Disk

Once the call recording download has been completed, write it to disk and store the call recording metadata in a .csv file.